
2023-05-27 13:26:33 优质文章


第十七篇 打造熊猫文化品牌的思考Thoughts on Developing the Brand of Panda Culture1.熊猫文化概念的辩证思维Dialectical Thoughts on Panda Culture Conception2.固守卧龙弊端的ABC The Malpractice of Sticking to Wolong3.怎样分享熊猫旅游资源How to Share Panda Tourism Resources4.抓住戴维不松手Ever Focus on David5.欧洲的突破口在法国France:A Breakthrough Point to Europe6.官员是怎么思考的What Is in the Officials’Mind7.大熊猫文化品牌怎么做How to Develop the Brand of Panda Culture第十八篇 大熊猫文化之路——典藏版跋The Road of the Giant Panda Culture—Postscripttothe Collector's Edition1. 多姿多彩的熊猫文化Abundant Panda Culture2.戴海杜先生一路走好Farewell, Monsieur Darraidou参考书目